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Customer evaluation content

根据同事和试剂商的推荐,使用了欣博盛公司的大鼠TNF-α ELISA产品。该产品供货速度快(货期大约一周),质量良好,检测灵敏度高,变异小,价格公道,是国内为数不多可与国外ELISA试剂盒竞争的好产品,强烈推荐大家尝试使用。 建议:有些ELISA试剂盒欣博盛公司还没有国产的,希望欣博盛公司能开发出更多好用的ELISA试剂盒。

publish an article Direct Evidence that Myocardial Insulin Resistance following Myocardial Ischemia Contributes to Post-Ischemic Heart Failure

Usage indicators: Rat TNF-α


本实验室长期使用欣博盛公司的大鼠IL-6,IL-1β,TNF-α ELISA 产品。购买方便,供货速度快,货期大约一周。我们对试剂盒总体比较满意,质量良好,检测灵敏度高,重现性好,价格公道,并且有强大的技术支持和售后团队。

publish an article Feather keratin hydrogel for wound repair: Preparation, healing effect and biocompatibility evaluation

Usage indicators: Rat IL-1β Rat IL-6 Rat TNF-α


我们使用的产品为Mouse TNF-α ELISA kit(小鼠肿瘤坏死因子-α)、IL-6 ELISA kit (大鼠白细胞介素-6),本实验室长期使用欣博盛公司的TNF-α和IL-6 ELISA产品,该产品供货速度快,重复性好,价格优惠,服务态度好,售后负责,质量有保障,是我们课题组共同认可的好产品。

publish an article Inhalable Andrographolide-β-cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes for Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus Pneumonia by Regulating Immune Responses

Usage indicators: Rat TNF-α Rat IL-6


本实验室在考察炎症因子释放水平时,长期使用欣博盛公司的大鼠TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β ELISA试剂盒,该公司送货速度快,到货周期短,标准品稳定,说明书详细,数次测定误差小,重现性很好,价格合适,推荐大家使用。

publish an article Synergistic Effects of Salvianolic Acid B and Puerarin on Cerebral Ischemia Reperfusion Injury

Usage indicators: Rat TNF-α Rat IL-6 Rat IL-1β



publish an article High Molecular Weight Hyaluronan Suppresses Macrophage M1 Polarization and Enhances IL-10 Production in PM2.5-Induced Lung Inflammation

Usage indicators: Rat TNF-α Rat IL-1β



publish an article Burn Ointment Promotes Cutaneous Wound Healing by Modulating the PI3K/AKT/mTOR Signaling Pathway

Usage indicators: Rat TNF-α Rat TGF-β1 Rat VEGF



publish an article Structural characterization and protective effects of polysaccharide from Gracilaria lemaneiformis on LPS-induced injury in IEC-6 cells

Usage indicators: Rat IL-6 Rat TNF-α



publish an article Integrative analysis of fecal metabolome and gut microbiota in high-fat diet-induced hyperlipidemic rats treated with Rosa Roxburghii Tratt juice

Usage indicators: Rat TNF-α Rat IL-6



publish an article Effects of UV/H2O2 degradation and step gradient ethanol precipitation on Sargassum fusiforme polysaccharides: Physicochemical characterization and protective effects against intestinal epithelial injury

Usage indicators: Rat TNF-α


本实验室长期使用欣博盛品牌的大鼠 ELISA试剂盒产品。该产品重复性好,操作步骤简单,板间差异小,灵敏度高。价格实惠,优惠多多,订货方便送货快,另外客服服务态度很好,值得向各位同行推荐!

publish an article Guanidinium-Decorated Nanostructure for Precision Sonodynamic-Catalytic Therapy of MRSA-Infected Osteomyelitis

Usage indicators: Rat IL-1β Rat IL-4 Rat IL-10 Rat TNF-α

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