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Neobioscience ELISA

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), also known as ELASA, is a widely used method for both qualitative and quantitative protein analysis. In this technique, a microtiter plate is coated with a monoclonal antibody specific to the target protein. Samples or standards are then added to the wells, where any bound target protein is detected with a biotin-conjugated antibody. After a washing step, a streptavidin-HRP conjugate is added and incubated. The wells are washed again, and a substrate solution (TMB) is added, followed by stop solution to stop the color development. The intensity of the color is measured at 450nm to determine the concentration of the target protein.

NeoBioscience Technology Co., Ltd is a high-tech enterprise dedicated to life science and biotechnology. The ELISA kits are widely used in labs across China and have received high praise from researchers. Since its launch, NeoBioscience’s ELISA kits have been cited in numerous international journals, including Nature, PNAS, and Cell Research.


Classification of NeoBioscience ELISA

Features of QuantiCyto® ELISA Kits

Quick and easy-to-use: You can get quantitative results in just 3.5 hours with our ELISA detection kits. Each kit comes with everything you need, including detailed manuals. The color intensity is measured at 450nm.

Excellent quality: Raw materials are selected from well-known manufacturers, and the kits undergo strict selection and quality inspection to ensure stability and reproducibility.

Multi-species: The ELISA kits for your targets are available in multiple species including human, rat, mouse, monkey, porcine, bovine, canine, and sheep.

Credible: Widely cited in peer-reviewed publications. More than 3,000 citations in SCI as well as more than 5,000 citations in domestic core journal.

•Provides 20% more volume for the liquid reagents, allowing for multiple pre-tests and formal experiments.

Components of QuantiCyto®ELISA Kits >
How to conduct an ELISA experiment with QuantiCyto®ELISA Kits >
View all QuantiCyto®ELISA Kits >

QuantiCyto®ELISA Kits (High Sensitivity)

NeoBioscience QuantiCyto®ELISA product Line provides high-sensitivity ELISA that enables the quantification of low-abundance target proteins

Components of QuantiCyto®ELISA Kits (High Sensitivity) >
How to conduct an ELISA experiment with QuantiCyto®ELISA Kits (High Sensitivity) >
View all QuantiCyto®ELISA Kits (High Sensitivity) >

QuikCyto®ELISA Kits

NeoBioscience QuikCyto®ELISA Kits use the quantitative sandwich enzyme immunoassay technique and offer faster and improved performance than traditional ELISA kits. These kits reduce the incubation and wash steps, making it faster to get quantitative results

Components of QuikCyto®ELISA Kits >
View all QuikCyto®ELISA Kits >

Development and Outsourcing Services

Can’t find the kits you need?

ELISA Development>

Don’t have enough time or have trouble conducting experiments?

ELISA Outsourcing>


NeoBioscience provides you with the operating procedures, precautions, and related information about ELISA assay to help you get better results in your immunoassay experiments. Our technical support team provides advice and after-sales service.

Step-by-Step Guide to ELISA

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) is a commonly used qualitative and quantitative assay. We summarize the fundamental characteristics of ELISA assays.

How to choose the right kit?

ELISA kits improve accuracy and offer more convenience. With numerous domestic and imported brands available, novice researchers should carefully choose the most suitable kit for their needs.

How to distinguish between real and fake kits?

We've created a guide to help distinguish between real and fake ELISA kits, which is a major concern in scientific research due to the risk of receiving counterfeit reagents.

Customer Reviews

NeoBioscience delivers premium products that have won high praise and recommendation from customers such as universities, research institutes, and biological companies. We invite you to explore our publications and seek out relevant kits within our offerings. Your feedback and comments are highly encouraged, as we place immense value on hearing from our customers.

Do not hesitate to contact us with any feedback or comments - we are always eager to engage with you.

Customer reviews

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我们实验室一直都在用欣博盛的 ELISA 试剂盒,大家反应不错,所以我的实验一开始就选用了欣博盛,主要质量有保证,国外同行认可。此外,操作简单,重复性好,灵敏度高,而且到货快,服务态度好,还有技术支持。

Usage Indicators: Human IL-6


根据同事和试剂商的推荐,使用了欣博盛公司的大鼠TNF-α ELISA产品。该产品供货速度快(货期大约一周),质量良好,检测灵敏度高,变异小,价格公道,是国内为数不多可与国外ELISA试剂盒竞争的好产品,强烈推荐大家尝试使用。 建议:有些EL

Usage Indicators: Rat TNF-α



Usage Indicators: Mouse IL-10 Mouse IL-1β



Usage Indicators: Mouse IL-10 Mouse IL-1β


本实验室长期使用欣博盛公司的小鼠IL-1β ELISA产品。该产品供货速度快(货期大约一周),质量良好,检测灵敏度高,重复性好,价格公道,是不可多得的好产品,强烈推荐大家尝试使用。

Usage Indicators: Mouse IL-1β


欣博盛ELISA试剂盒批件差异小 质量稳定,价格合理。售后完善。

Usage Indicators: Mouse IFN-γ

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