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Customer reviews

NeoBioscience delivers premium products that have won high praise and recommendation from customers such as universities, research institutes, and biological companies. We invite you to explore our publications and seek out relevant kits within our offerings. Your feedback and comments are highly encouraged, as we place immense value on hearing from our customers. Do not hesitate to contact us with any feedback or comments - we are always eager to engage with you.

Customer evaluation content


publish an article Human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells protect from hyperoxic lung injury by ameliorating aberrant elastin remodeling in the lung of O2-exposed newborn rat

Usage indicators: Rat TGF-β1



publish an article Burn Ointment Promotes Cutaneous Wound Healing by Modulating the PI3K/AKT/mTOR Signaling Pathway

Usage indicators: Rat TNF-α Rat TGF-β1 Rat VEGF

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