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Customer evaluation content


publish an article Isogarcinol Extracted from Garcinia mangostana L. Ameliorates Systemic Lupus Erythematosus-like Disease in a Murine Model

Usage indicators: Mouse IL-6 Mouse TNF-α

北京师范大学生命科学学院 生物化学与分子生物学研究所-李老师


publish an article Structure characterization of a novel polysaccharide from Dictyophora indusiata and its macrophage immunomodulatory activities

Usage indicators: Mouse IL-6 Mouse TNF-α



publish an article Characterization and mesenteric lymph node cells-mediated immunomodulatory activity of litchi pulp polysaccharide fractions

Usage indicators: Mouse IFN-γ Mouse IL-6



publish an article Cellular antioxidant, methylglyoxal trapping, and anti-inflammatory activities of cocoa tea (Camellia ptilophylla Chang)

Usage indicators: Mouse IL-6 Mouse TNF-α


1.性价比高:相比国外同类产品,价格至少便宜50%以上。 2.供货迅速:国外的试剂盒一般要等2-3周,欣博盛试剂盒一般1周内可到货。 3.质量稳定:本课题组使用4年多来,未出现过质量问题。 4.国际认可:本课题组常规使用欣博盛公司试剂盒,在近4年来发表的近10篇SCI论文中,未出现审稿专家质疑ELISA试剂盒的情况。 5.便于操作:试剂盒中不同组分采用不同颜色瓶盖的试剂瓶存放,避免操作过程中出现错误。 6.配比合理:试剂盒中洗涤液等组分往往按比例还多出一些,避免出现抗体等组分的浪费。 我们在使用过程中也,也发现欣博盛公司的ELISA产品目前还不是很全面,像小鼠HMGB1、小鼠leptin等广泛使用的ELISA试剂盒,还没有出现在欣博盛公司的自主试剂目录中,希望以后会逐步增加产品的种类。

publish an article The SIRT1 inhibitor EX-527 suppresses mTOR activation and alleviates acute lung injury in mice with endotoxiemia

Usage indicators: Mouse IL-6 Mouse TNF-α



publish an article MiR-377 promotes white adipose tissue inflammation and decreases insulin sensitivity in obesity via suppression of sirtuin-1 (SIRT1)

Usage indicators: Mouse TNF-α Mouse IL-6 Mouse IL-1β



publish an article MgAl-layered double hydroxide nanoparticles co-delivering siIDO and Trp2 peptide effectively reduce IDO expression and induce cytotoxic T-lymphocyte responses against melanoma tumor in mice

Usage indicators: Mouse IFN-γ Mouse IL-6 Mouse IL-12



publish an article Sustained Release of Immunosuppressant by Nanoparticle-anchoring Hydrogel Scaffold Improved the Survival of Transplanted Stem Cells and Tissue Regeneration

Usage indicators: Mouse IFN-γ Mouse IL-6 Mouse IL-2


我们课题组这几年来都选择欣博盛ELISA 试剂盒,因为其检测结果灵敏,重复性良好,且操作方便快捷。另外,欣博盛公司产品送货速度够快,一般3天即可送达。欣博盛ELISA 试剂盒价格公道合理,公司团队服务意识好,专业性较强,也是我们选择与其合作的重要因素。根据我的使用体会,欣博盛ELISA 试剂盒推荐大家订购!

publish an article Polysaccharides from the flowers of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) modulate gut health and ameliorate cyclophosphamide-induced immunosuppression

Usage indicators: Mouse IL-6 Mouse TNF-α Mouse IL-1β Mouse IL-2 Mouse IFN-γ



publish an article 2- O-β-d-Glucopyranosyl-l-ascorbic Acid, an Ascorbic Acid Derivative Isolated from the Fruits of Lycium Barbarum L., Modulates Gut Microbiota and Palliates Colitis in Dextran Sodium Sulfate-Induced Colitis in Mice

Usage indicators: Mouse IL-6 Mouse TNF-α Mouse IFN-γ Mouse MCP-1

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