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Customer evaluation content


publish an article Nicotine protects against DSS colitis through regulating microRNA-124 and STAT3

Usage indicators: Human IL-8 Human TNF-α


我使用了欣博盛公司生产的:人IL-8,TNF-α和IL-1β ELISA试剂盒。欣博盛试剂盒具有操作简便,反应灵敏,耗时少,结果比较准确,重复性较好。试剂盒价格较为便宜,值得使用。而且售后技术能很耐心的解答问题,并能最终帮客户解决问题。

publish an article Short-Term and Long-Term Toxicological Effects of Vanadium Dioxide Nanoparticles on A549 Cells

Usage indicators: Human IL-8 Human TNF-α



publish an article BAMBI regulates macrophages inducing the differentiation of Treg through the TGF-β pathway in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Usage indicators: Human TNF-α Human TGF-β1


我们实验室长期使用欣博盛公司的人IL-6 IL-1β TNF-α ELISA产品。该公司产品质量好,检测灵敏度高,重复的结果稳定,价格比较美好,是做得很不错的国产品牌,强烈推荐大家使用。

publish an article Interactions Between Streptococcus gordonii and Fusobacterium nucleatum Altered Bacterial Transcriptional Profiling and Attenuated the Immune Responses of Macrophages

Usage indicators: Human TNF-α Human IL-1β Human IL-6

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