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NeoBioscience Technology Co., Ltd is a high-tech enterprise dedicated to life science and biotechnology. NeoBioscience ELISA kits are widely used in key labs across China and have received high praise from researchers.

These kits have been cited in numerous international journals, including Nature, PNAS, and Cell Research.

      This page collects a total of 【2585】 SCI literature citations. You can check the interested papers by filter.


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Zhang X, L. N., Chen Q, et al. Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Modulates the Gut Flora Favoring Patients With Functional Constipation. Frontiers in Microbiology 7 October 2021 (2021). IL-4 IL-6 IL-8 IL-10 IL-12p70 Human Normal samples
Tan M, Z. L., Wang W, et al. Hydrocortisone-conjugated glycine inhibits TNF-α induced inflammatory response through glucocorticoids receptor independent mechanism in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. . Int J Clin Exp Med August 2017 (2017). IL-1β IL-6 IL-8 IL-12p70 MCP-1 Human Normal samples
Wei-wei Tian, Qian-qiu Wang, Wei-da Liu & Jian-ping Shen. Mycobacterium marinum: a potential immunotherapy for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Drug Des Devel Ther 7 (2013). IL-1β IL-4 IL-10 IFN-γ TNF-α IL-12p70 Human Normal samples
Shan Y, L. X., Han Y, et al. Helicobacter pylori outer membrane protein 18 (Hp1125) is involved in persistent colonization by evading interferon-γ signaling. BioMed research international 2015 (2015 ). IL-18 IL-12p70 Human Normal samples
Cao G, C. R., Liu C, et al. MTBHsp70-exFPR1-pulsed Dendritic Cells Enhance the Immune Response against Cervical Cancer. Journal of Cancer November 2019 (2019). IL-12p70 TGF-β1 IFN-γ Human Normal samples
Sun JC, X. J. Dendritic cells-mediated CTLs targeting hepatocellular carcinoma stem cells. Cancer Biol Ther (2010 Aug). IL-12p70 Human Normal samples
Pan Q Z, P. K., Wang Q J, et al. Annexin A3 as a Potential Target for Immunotherapy of Liver Cancer Stem-Like Cells. Stem cells 29 September 2014 (2014). IL-12p70 Human Normal samples
Xiaofei Zhang, D. W., Ke Pan, et al. Dendritic-cell-based immunotherapy evokes potent anti-tumor immune responses in CD105+ human renal cancer stem cells. Mol Carcinog 2017 June 16 (2017). IL-12p70 Human Normal samples
Pang Y B, H. J., Cui B Y, et al. A Potential Antitumor Effect of Dendritic Cells Fused with Cancer Stem Cells in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Stem Cells International 1 April 2019 (2019). IL-12p70 Human Normal samples
Choi Y J, P. S. J., Park Y S, et al. EpCAM peptide-primed dendritic cell vaccination confers significant anti-tumor immunity in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. PloS one January 3, 2018 (2018). IL-12p70 Human Normal samples
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