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NeoBioscience Technology Co., Ltd is a high-tech enterprise dedicated to life science and biotechnology. NeoBioscience ELISA kits are widely used in key labs across China and have received high praise from researchers.

These kits have been cited in numerous international journals, including Nature, PNAS, and Cell Research.

      This page collects a total of 【2585】 SCI literature citations. You can check the interested papers by filter.


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Liu T, L. X., Zhang Y, et al. IP-10 enhances the amplification capacity and antitumor activity of CAR-T cells in vitro and could influence positive outcomes in MM patients treated with CAR-T cell therapy. International Immunopharmacology 27 September 2022 IL-1β IL-6 TNF-α Human Normal samples
Zhu A, W. Z., Zhong X, et al. Brazilian Green Propolis Prevents Cognitive Decline into Mild Cognitive Impairment in Elderly People Living at High Altitude. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 24 April 2018 (2018). IL-1β IL-6 TNF-α IL-10 TGF-β1 Human Normal samples
Shen Y, C. G., Xiao A, et al. In vitro effect of flaxseed oil and α-linolenic acid against the toxicity of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Inflammopharmacology 2018 (2018). IL-1β IL-6 TNF-α sICAM-1 sVCAM-1/CD106 Human Normal samples
Zhou W, W. Y., Wu R, et al. MicroRNA-488 and-920 regulate the production of proinflammatory cytokines in acute gouty arthritis. Arthritis research & therapy 15 September 2017 (2017). IL-1β IL-8 TNF-α Human Normal samples
Xu Y, G. H., Zhao T, et al. Mulberroside A from Cortex Mori Enhanced Gut Integrity in Diabetes. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 20 May 2021 (2021). IL-1β IL-8 TNF-α MCP-1 Human Normal samples
Yang X, L. L., Fang K, et al. Wu-Mei-Wan Reduces Insulin Resistance via Inhibition of NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation in HepG2 Cells. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 27 August 2017 (2017). IL-1β MCP-1 TNF-α Human Normal samples
Cui X, X. R., Zhang H, et al. Exogenous Clara cell protein 16 attenuates silica particles-induced inflammation in THP-1 macrophages by down-regulating NF-κB and caspase-1 activation. The Journal of Toxicological Sciences 13 August 2020 (2020). IL-1β TNF-α IL-6 Human Normal samples
Yuan R, H. J., Huang L, et al. Anemoside B4 Protects against Acute Lung Injury by Attenuating Inflammation through Blocking NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation and TLR4 Dimerization. Journal of Immunology Research 04 December 2020 (2020). IL-1β TNF-α IL-6 Human Normal samples
Qin C, L. Y., Song R, et al. Effect of intra-abdominal infection on immunological function and HMGB1/TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway in patients with severe acute pancreatitis. European Journal of Inflammation 27 December 2018 (2018). IL-1β TNF-α IL-6 Human Normal samples
Hong Y, L. J., Zhu L, et al. High-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) protects against ischemic stroke by inhibiting M1 microglia polarization through let-7b-5p/HMGA2/NF-κB signaling pathway. BMC neuroscience 4 August 2022 (2022) IL-1β TNF-α Human Normal samples
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