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NeoBioscience Technology Co., Ltd is a high-tech enterprise dedicated to life science and biotechnology. NeoBioscience ELISA kits are widely used in key labs across China and have received high praise from researchers.

These kits have been cited in numerous international journals, including Nature, PNAS, and Cell Research.

      This page collects a total of 【2585】 SCI literature citations. You can check the interested papers by filter.


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Zhou L F, C. Q. Z., Yang C T, et al. TRPC6 contributes to LPS-induced inflammation through ERK1/2 and p38 pathway in bronchial epithelial cells. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 5 November 2017 (2017). IL-8 IL-6 Human Normal samples
Wu H, Z. X., Han D, et al. Tumour-associated macrophages mediate the invasion and metastasis of bladder cancer cells through CXCL8. PeerJ 12 March 2020 (2020). IL-8 MMP-9 Human Normal samples
He Z, L. T., Wang J, et al. AtaT Improves the Stability of Pore-Forming Protein EspB by Acetylating Lysine 206 to Enhance Strain Virulence. Frontiers in microbiology 01 March 2021 (2021). IL-8 KC(IL-8) Human Normal samples
Liu W, F. X., Yang Z, et al. Moderate intermittent negative pressure increases invasiveness of MDA-MB-231 triple negative breast cancer cells. . The Breast 26 November 2017 (2017). IL-8 TNF-α Human Normal samples
Xi W, S. Z. M., Chen Z, et al. Short-Term and Long-Term Toxicological Effects of Vanadium Dioxide Nanoparticles on A549 Cells. Environmental Science: Nano 20 December 2018 (2018). IL-8 TNF-α Human Normal samples
Qin Z, W. J. J., Sun Y, et al. Nicotine protects against DSS colitis through regulating microRNA-124 and STAT3. Journal of Molecular Medicine 05 October 2016 (2016). IL-8 TNF-α Human Normal samples
Wu W, C. Q., Geng F, et al. Calcineurin B stimulates cytokine production through a CD14-independent Toll-like receptor 4 pathway. Immunology and Cell Biology 17 November 2015 (2015). IL-8 TNF-α Human Normal samples
Liu R, C. L., Wu W, et al. Neutrophil serine proteases and their endogenous inhibitors in coronary artery ectasia patients. (2015). IL-8 TNF-α human Normal samples
Chen N, S. Z. M., Tang H, et al. . Toxicological Effects of Caco-2 Cells Following Short-Term and Long-Term Exposure to Ag Nanoparticles. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 14 June 2016 (2016). IL-8 Human Normal samples
Ge Y, Z. S., Wang J, et al. Dual modulation of formyl peptide receptor 2 by aspirin-triggered lipoxin contributes to its anti-inflammatory activity. The FASEB Journal 02 April 2020 (2020). IL-8 Human Normal samples
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