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NeoBioscience Technology Co., Ltd is a high-tech enterprise dedicated to life science and biotechnology. NeoBioscience ELISA kits are widely used in key labs across China and have received high praise from researchers.

These kits have been cited in numerous international journals, including Nature, PNAS, and Cell Research.

      This page collects a total of 【2585】 SCI literature citations. You can check the interested papers by filter.


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Huang Z, Z. M. H., Lou W Y. Preparation, structural elucidation and immunomodulatory activity of a polysaccharide from Millettia Speciosa Champ. Industrial Crops and Products 5 April 2022 (2022). IFN-β CXCL10 IL-6 Human;Mouse Normal samples
Zhao Y, J. S., Zhang J, et al. A virulent Bacillus cereus strain from deep-sea cold seep induces pyroptosis in a manner that involves NLRP3 inflammasome, JNK pathway, and lysosomal rupture. Virulence 19 May 2021 (2021). IL-1β Human;Mouse Normal samples
Ding X, L. D., Li M, et al. Tumor necrosis factor-α acts reciprocally with solute carrier family 26, member 3,(downregulated-in-adenoma) and reduces its expression, leading to intestinal inflammation. International journal of molecular medicine January 20 TNF-α Human;Mouse Normal samples
Dai C, L. F. N., Jin N, et al. Recombinant IL-33 prolongs leflunomide-mediated graft survival by reducing IFN-γ and expanding CD4+Foxp3+ T cells in concordant heart transplantation. Laboratory Investigation 13 June 2016 (2016). IL-4 IL-10 IFN-γ TGF-β1 Mouse;Rat Normal samples
Wang W, L. Z., Su J, et al. Macrophage MicroRNA-155 Promotes Lipopolysaccharide-induced Acute Lung Injury in Mice and Rats. American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 1 July 2016 (2016). TNF-α IL-6 KC(IL-8) Mouse;Rat Normal samples
Sun C, Y. G., Yuan J, et al. Mycobacterium tuberculosis hypoxic response protein 1 (Hrp1) augments the pro-inflammatory response and enhances the survival of Mycobacterium smegmatis in murine macrophages. Journal of medical microbiology August 2017 (2017) anti-6ÂHis tag antibody HRP-conjugated goat anti- IgG antibody mouse Normal samples
Mao H T, W. Y., Cai J, et al HACE1 Negatively Regulates Virus-Triggered Type I IFN Signaling by Impeding the Formation of the MAVS-TRAF3 Complex. Viruses 21 May 2016 (2016). anti-GFP Tag Monoclonal Antibody Mouse Normal samples
Li A, L. X. M., Song C G, et al. Fibroblast growth factor 9 attenuates sepsis-induced fulminant hepatitis in mice. Amino Acids 18 March 2022 (2022). CCL2 GM-CSF Mouse Normal samples
Dai L, L. Y., Cheng L, et al. SARI attenuates colon inflammation by promoting STAT1 degradation in intestinal epithelial cells. Mucosal immunology 10 June 2019 (2019). CCL2 IL-6 TNF-α IL-1β IFN-γ Mouse Normal samples
Du C C, X. P., Gao S, et al. High fluoride ingestion impairs bone fracture healing and attenuating M2 macrophages differentiation. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 20 June 2022 (2022). CCL2 IL-8 VEGF TGF-β1 Mouse Normal samples
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