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NeoBioscience Technology Co., Ltd is a high-tech enterprise dedicated to life science and biotechnology. NeoBioscience ELISA kits are widely used in key labs across China and have received high praise from researchers.

These kits have been cited in numerous international journals, including Nature, PNAS, and Cell Research.

      This page collects a total of 【2585】 SCI literature citations. You can check the interested papers by filter.


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Xu H, S. P., Ma B, et al. ROS responsive nanoparticles loaded with lipid-specific AIEgen for atherosclerosis-targeted diagnosis and bifunctional therapy. Biomaterials 12 August 2022 (2022). IL-1β Mouse Lung tissue
Wang Y, W. B., Zeng Z, et al. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SC06 attenuated high-fat diet induced anxiety-like behavior and social withdrawal of male mice by improving antioxidant capacity, intestinal barrier function and modulating intestinal dysbiosis. Beh IL-1β Mouse Normal samples
Wang Y, D. K., Xue X, et al. Curcumin assists anti-EV71 activity of IFN-α by inhibiting IFNAR1 reduction in SH-SY5Y cells. Gut Pathogens 12 February 2022 (2022). IL-1β Mouse Normal samples
Liu X, R. X., Zhou L, et al. Tollip orchestrates macrophage polarization to alleviate intestinal mucosal inflammation. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 3 February 2022 (2022). IL-1β Mouse Normal samples
Li Y, L. Y., Xu S, et al. N-Acylethanolamine acid amidase (NAAA) exacerbates psoriasis inflammation by enhancing dendritic cell (DCs) maturation. Pharmacological Research 13 October 2022 (2022). IL-1β Mouse Normal samples
Jin Y, K. Y., Wang M, et al. Targeting polarized phenotype of microglia via IL6/JAK2/STAT3 signaling to reduce NSCLC brain metastasis. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy 23 February 2022 (2022). IL-1β Mouse Normal samples
Jia Z, L. J., Li B, et al. Exosomes with FOXP3 from gene-modified dendritic cells ameliorate the development of EAE by regulating the balance of Th/Treg. Int J Med Sci 1 July 2022 (2022). IL-1β Mouse Normal samples
Zhuo X Z, B. K., Wang Y, et al. Long-chain non-coding RNA-GAS5/hsa-miR-138-5p attenuates high glucose-induced cardiomyocyte damage by targeting CYP11B2. Bioscience Reports 8 March 2021 (2021). IL-1β Mouse Normal samples
Jiang J, W. W., Sun F, et al. Bacterial infection reinforces host metabolic flux from arginine to spermine for NLRP3 inflammasome evasion. Cell Reports 9 March 2021 (2021). IL-1β Mouse Normal samples
Wu P, C. J. N., Chen J J, et al. Trimethylamine N-oxide promotes apoE-/- mice atherosclerosis by inducing vascular endothelial cell pyroptosis via the SDHB/ROS pathway. Journal of Cellular Physiology 03 February 2020 (2020). IL-1β Mouse Normal samples
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