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views:211 publish:2023-08-01 09:32:16

袅袅温气    润润暖春




订购1个96T试剂盒赠南极人珊瑚绒披肩毯 或 米家保温杯,任选其一;

订购2个96T试剂盒赠小熊(Bear)暖杯垫 或 发热桌垫,任选其一;


订购5个96T试剂盒赠摩飞(Morphyrichards)榨汁杯 或 良品铺子坚果大礼包,任选其一;


订购10个96T试剂盒赠Xiaomi Sound智能音箱 或 西部数据(WD) 2TB 移动硬盘 或 TORRAS香薰机,任选其一



1. 2个48T按照1个96T计算;2*96T,5*96T和10*96T的包装,每组按照1个96T试剂盒计算;

2. 欣博盛阶段性统计并发放礼品,发放时间存在一定滞后;

3. 礼品图片仅供参考,以实物为准,发放后概不退换;

4. 本活动不与其他活动共享,最终解释权归欣博盛所有



期刊: Cancer Letters,2022


使用产品: Mouse IL-10,TNF-a TGF-B,IL-1B


期刊: The Journal ofinfection, 2022 


使用产品: Human IFN-B 


期刊: Advanced materials,2022  


使用产品: RatIL-1B.IL-4,IL-10.TNF-O



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● Chen R,Huang S, Lin T, et al. Photoacoustic molecular imaging-escorted adipose photodynamic-browning synergy for fighting obesitwith virus-like complexes. Nature Nanotechnology.2021, IF: 40.523

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● Qian Y, Wang Z. Lin H. et alTRlM47 is a novel endothelial activation factor that aggravates lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lunginjury in mice via K63-inked ubiquitination of TRAF2.Signal transduction and targeted therapy.2022,1F:38.104

● Song R, Li T, Ye J, et al. Acidity-Activatable Dynamic Nanoparticles Boosting Ferroptotic Cell Death for lmmunotherapy of Cancer.Advanced Materials.2021,IF: 32.086

● Zhou F, Gao J. Tang Y.et a Endineering Chameleon Prodrug Nanovesicles to increase AntigenPresentation and Inhibit PD-L1Expression for Circumventing lmmune Resistance of Cancer.Advanced Materials. 2021,IF: 32.086

● Wang Y, L.W. Wang X, et al. MAMDC2, a gene highly expressed in microglia in experimental models of Alzheimers Disease. positively regulates the innate antiviral response during neurotropic virus infection. Journal oflnfection, 2022, IF: 38.637

● Cheng Y, Z. Y, Zhao Z,et al. Guanidinium - Decorated Nanostructure for Precision Sonodynamic - Catalytic Therapy ofMRSA - Infected Osteomyelitis. Advanced Materials, 2022,IF: 32.086

● Ding J, Lu G,Nie W,et al. Self-Activatable Photo-Extracelular Vesicle for Synergistic Trimodal Anticancer Therapy. Advanced Materials. 2021IF: 32.086



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